
To take an exact account then of the general tendency of any act, by which the interests of a community are affected, proceed as follows.


Begin with any one person of those whose interests seem most immediately to be affected by it: and take an account,

1. Of the value of each distinguishable pleasure which appears to be produced by it in the first instance.

1 この行動によって、まず現れると思われる各快楽の値 

2. Of the value of each pain which appears to be produced by it in the first instance.

2 この行動によって、まず生じると思われる各苦痛の値

3. Of the value of each pleasure which appears to be produced by it after the first. This constitutes the fecundity of the first pleasure and the impurity of the first pain.

3 その次に生じると思われる各快楽の値。これは、初期快楽が他の快楽を引き起こす力と、初期苦痛が他の苦痛を引き起こさない力とから合成される。

4. Of the value of each pain which appears to be produced by it after the first. This constitutes the fecundity of the first pain, and the impurity of the first pleasure.

4 その次に生じると思われる各苦痛の値。これは、初期苦痛が他の苦痛を引き起こす力と、初期快楽が他の快楽を引き起こさない力とから合成される。

5. Sum up all the values of all the pleasures on the one side, and those of all the pains on the other. The balance, if it be on the side of pleasure, will give the good tendency of the act upon the whole, with respect to the interests of that individual person; if on the side of pain, the bad tendency of it upon the whole.
5 全快楽をすべて足し算する一方、全苦痛もすべて足して引き算する。もし計算結果が快楽の方に傾いていたら、その行動は、その個人の利害の観点からは、一般的に善の傾向を持ち、苦痛に傾いたら、一般的に悪の傾向を持つことになる。

6. Take an account of the number of persons whose interests appear to be concerned; and repeat the above process with respect to each.


Sum up the numbers expressive of the degrees of good tendency, which the act has, with respect to each individual, in regard to whom the tendency of it is good upon the whole:


do this again with respect to each individual, in regard to whom the tendency of it is good upon the whole:


do this again with respect to each individual, in regard to whom the tendency of it is bad upon the whole.


Take the balance which if on the side of pleasure, will give the general good tendency of the act, with respect to the total number or community of individuals concerned; if on the side of pain,the general evil tendency, with respect to the same community.



『道徳および立法の諸原理序説』An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation ,Chapter IV: Value of a Lot of Pleasure or Pain,
How to be Measured    (田井中善夫訳)



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